Cloud Security Alliance CCSK Certification #1
Hi and welcome to this short series all about the CSA CCSK certification. If you are new here, I am Tom Sinclair the Chief Information Officer at I am also one of the lead trainers that teach a number of technical courses/certifications. Here is my LinkedIn
This series is designed to help you understand what the CCSK certification is all about along with providing some useful and insightful content to help pass the exam (please note I will not be going into extensive detail in this blog, if you are looking to undertake a CCSK training course then please reach out on
Cyber Coaching’s mission is to help fill the global cybersecurity skills shortage gap by providing affordable world class remote immersive training and coaching. Cyber Coaching are approved official training partners with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
To pass the exam you will need to study the CSA Security Guidance v4, The cloud control matrix (CCM) and the EINSA Risk Report to which the exam and CCSK domains are based upon. You can find these documents here: CCSK v4 Exam Preparation Kit | CSA (

The course is to provide students with a base of knowledge on cloud computing security theory and practice and assist students in taking the CCSK exam
Please read onto to article #2 that provides some insight into some the more basic modules and domains.